
RegMol 7.1.0 External Release Notes

January 24, 2024

UI/UX Improvements

  • Improvements to drawing editor icon display
  • Added tool tips to peptide enumeration function for improved usability

Assay Protocols and Views

  • Assay Views: Improvements to result sorting order and consistency in downloads
  • Added Assay view ability to show r,esidual standard deviation (RSD %) values alongside average of IC50 assay results
  • Added Assay Protocol ability to show other values of Inhibitory Concentration (IC) along with IC50 in the same assay protocol
  • Assay Protocol: Added Next and Previous buttons to improve navigating between individual data results

Cross-Application Integration

  • Improvements to database data storage and access for data push from ELN to RegMol
  • Improvements to database data storage and access for data pull from RegMol to Focus

Registration Improvements

  • On parent and batch registration pages, added configuration options for hiding and adding features
  • Improvements to Parent attachment table data capture and storage
  • Improvements to the default uniqueness check for entities with form types that do not use a drawing editor
  • Improvements in audit trail information capture in entity history
  • Improvements to the data capture and display for SDF file entity headers when downloaded to SDF file
  • Improvements to information message error notification when registering an entity batch to a different entity type than the existing parent, the message will include the existing parent type and ID
  • Added rule for stripping solvates for entity registration and bulk upload
  • Added check parent function for protein sequence in bulk register
  • Information message improvements when inadvertently mapping the same field twice in bulk upload
  • Added feature to allow a user other than owner or admin to edit an entity batch
  • Improvements to parent synonym data capture using bulk update
  • Added feature to allow an entity registered from ELN to be edited in RegMol by any coauthor of the ELN experiment
  • Improvements to information message during bulk register mapping if two columns are being mapped to the same field in error
  • Added ability for a zero solvate ratio for capturing trace or unknown amounts of solvate
  • Improvements to process for adding custom fields

Search and Explorer

  • Added display of Parent Name to the Parent Explorer page
  • Improved usability in advanced search results where hovering over entity type icon will display the name of the entity
  • Improved search performance by allowing exact match for parent or entity ID
  • Improved stereochemistry structure search by using Cahn–Ingold–Prelog (CIP) priority system designations

Fall Informatics Forum 2023 (Virtual Event)

Join us for an informative virtual webinar where we will present our most recent innovations in Scilligence products. Our program will also feature compelling presentations from both our valued customers and partners, focusing on upcoming integrations tailored to elevate and streamline your R&D informatics needs.

Enable Cheminformatics and Bioinformatics in Microsoft Office

Cambridge, MA: Scilligence, a leading innovator of scientific software solutions, is thrilled to unveil HELM technology in TouchMol4Office (TM4O). 

TM4O represents an advancement in the realm of cheminformatics and bioinformatics within the Microsoft Office suite, providing researchers and professionals with a comprehensive platform for interfacing with internal and external databases while working seamlessly in applications like Excel, Word, and PowerPoint.

TM4O empowers users with powerful structure search capabilities, advanced informatics for biologics and conjugates, and now HELM support making it an indispensable tool for professionals working in the fields of chemistry, biology, and pharmaceuticals.

Empowering Chem-Bioinformatics within MS Office
Unleash the potential of MS Office with seamless integration of advanced chem-bioinformatics capabilities. This groundbreaking enhancement opens up a world of possibilities for professionals in the scientific and research communities.

Harnessing Macromolecules through HELM 
Embrace the future of scientific research with MS Office’s built-in support for macromolecules by utilizing HELM. Additionally, you have the option to integrate, unlocking access to exclusive HELM monomer libraries and taking your research to new heights.

Effortless Integration with Back-End Databases
Breakdown data silos and improve your research efficiency with TM4O’s ability to seamlessly connect with back-end databases. Now, you can effortlessly convert CAS numbers and registration IDs into molecular structures from diverse data sources, streamlining your workflow like never before.

With the enablement of HELM in TM4O, Scilligence aims to allow scientists to easily and quickly create complex macromolecules by using an industry-standard notation, making it an indispensable asset for researchers, scientists, and professionals across various industries.

“TouchMol4Office with the enablement of HELM technology will empower scientists to explore a wide variety of therapeutics modalities right inside Microsoft Office applications, a daily staple in research environments”, says Jinbo Lee, PhD, CEO at Scilligence Corporation.

Microsoft Office Integration with Registration and Bioassay Database – October 28, 2020

Event Title – August 10, 2020

Benefits and Efficient Implementation of an Effective Informatics Platform in Drug R&D (Virtual Workshop) – September 9, 2020

Data Analytics for Lab Informatics (Virtual Event) – September 16, 2020

R&D Informatics for Special Modalities (Virtual Event) – October 14, 2020

Bio-IT West/Molecular Med Tri-Con – March 1-4, 2020

ACS National Meeting Philly – March 22-26, 2020