

magnifyingglass (1)Compound Database Service (CDS) offers structure search capability on your company website in conjunction with easy-to-use shopping cart solution. It provides your customers with a quick and easy way to find products in your catalog from any device (PC, Mac, iPad/iPhone, Android tablet/phone, etc.). CDS data management console allows you to edit your catalog and manage customer orders and inquires online.

Key Features

  • CDS management web site to import your compounds to hosted database
  • Add, edit or delete products and packages
  • Integrate structure search box to your website
  • Receive notification of new orders or inquiries via email
  • CDS website to manage and process your orders


  • Advanced structure and chemical identifier search on your website.
  • Integrated shopping cart and product inquiry.
  • Cross-platform: Windows, Mac, Linux, iPad/iPhone, Android tablets/phones, Chromebook.
  • Cheminformatics package to draw, edit and manage chemical structures.
  1. Convert name (IUPAC name, CAS #, Trade name, SMILES, InChI) into structures
  2. Import/export ChemDraw, ISIS/Draw and Marvin files
  3. Batch import SDF files


A Javascript Framework for Cheminformatics and Bioinformatics for Developers

JSDraw is a Javascript Editor for chemical structures and biologics. This Javascript library will make your web-based application or webpage come alive with advanced cheminformatics and bioinformatics capabilities. JSDraw is also our proprietary drawing and sketching tool included in all our solutions.

To download our SDKs please email [email protected].


Advanced Informatics Toolkits for Developers

devsuiteAdvanced developer toolkit package includes JSDraw, MolEngine, and MolSql. MolEngine is a .NET toolkit for chemical structure/reaction and biosequence. MolSql is a chemistry and biosequence cartridge for SQL server.



  • Most advanced editor and drawing tool for chemicals and biologics
  • Supports all major chemical files


  • .NET toolkit for chemical structures and biosequences
  • Generate 2D coordinates and fingerprints
  • Search external databases quickly


  • Chemistry and biosequence cartridge for SQL server
  • Generate structure images within databases
  • Search external databases quickly

To download our SDKs please email [email protected].

Tools for Microsoft Office

TouchMol4Office: Microsoft Office Plug-in Enabling Chemistry and Biology Functions


  • Plug-in for Word, Excel, PowerPoint
  • Interfaces Internal and External Databases
  • Input and Edit Chemical Structures and Biologics, including HELM and ADC
  • BioAssay Curve Fitting


TouchMol4Office enables cheminformatics and bioinformatics in Microsoft Office and serves as a comprehensive platform for interfacing with internal and external databases. This set of add-ins for applications such as Excel, Word, PowerPoint, and OneNote provides powerful structure search capabilities and advanced informatics for biologics and conjugates.

Major Features

  • Input and edit live structures
  • Import large SD and CSV files
  • Calculate molecular and in-silico properties of various compounds
  • Connect to public databases like PubChem Patent, PubMed, and more
  • Handle ChemDraw files and convert structures back to ChemDraw format for ease of publication
  • TouchMol table handles large datasets for HTS screening
  • Generate IUPAC or compound profile


  • Ability to configure project sheets in Excel
  • Input and edit structures on the go
  • Avoid application crashing while uploading large datasets
  • Easily access your data with a click
  • Substructure filtering of compounds

TouchMol Table

  • Quickly load, search, and filter large data sets (100k’s of compounds)
  • Read and Write proprietary, fast loading file format, molengine
  • Perform basic SAR analysis with data search and filter capabilities, substructure search, and custom column views

Quick Look At TouchMol4Office (Video)

Versions and Features

TouchMol4Office comes in Standard, Advanced, and Premium versions:

Purchase TouchMol4Office

A single TouchMol4Office license can be installed on only one computer.

Purchase TouchMol4Office

TouchMol4Office is a local, desktop software that is optimized for Windows operating systems. MacOS is currently not supported.


Federated Search of Chemical Structures and Reactions of Unstructured Data

chrawlerChrawler is an innovative bioinformatics and cheminformatics tool for federated search of chemical structures and reactions across various data sources in an enterprise environment. Chrawler is Scilligence’s proprietary indexing tool included in all of our solutions but can be purchased as a stand-alone application. Chrawler’s advanced indexing allows users to search within a wide-range of chemical files, PDF files, image files, and documents.

Scilligence Inventory

Inventory System for Compound and Reagent Management


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  • Intricate sample management (Solid and liquid samples, assay plate management, chemical, and biological reagents)
  • Hierarchical location management
  • Built-in alert system
  • Complete trail of sample history
  • Tools for cost-saving and lab efficiency
  • CoA Management
  • Safety compliance (MSDS)
  • Cross-platform, multiple browsers supported, mobile-friendly and touch optimized
  • Easy to deploy: No software installation required
  • Supports HELM (Hierarchical Editing Language for Macromolecules) monomer management and sketching


Scilligence Inventory for material management and safety compliance is unlike any other. Its powerful biosequence/structure search, tracking, and location/shipment management allow you to manage your workflow efficiently. Inventory is cross-platform, customizable, and easy to integrate with Electronic Lab Notebook and registration systems. Sample types vary from small molecules to reagents, peptides, oligonucleotides, proteins, genes, and tissues are just a few of the many you can track and manage.

Major Features

  • Sample management: support a broad range of sample types including chemicals, peptides, oligonucleotides, proteins, genes, etc.
  • Sophisticated sample location management and barcode system
  • Various alert mechanisms: COA expiration, critical API shortage, Hazardous material warning, Safety compliance management (MSDS), low-stock alert
  • Build, customize, and design workflows


  • Keep track of samples in a safe, secure, and controlled manner
  • Avoid over-ordering materials: improving cost savings and waste control
  • Help plan reactions in accordance with chemical sample properties/hazards
  • Connect with in-house systems

Deployment Options and Migration

Scilligence Inventory can be deployed on-premise or on the cloud. Our team has experience migrating data from all major solution providers. Multiple cloud options and central data center options are available. It is easy to switch from cloud deployment to on-premise and vice-versa.

Security Features

  • Each installation and deployment is a separate instance
  • Secure and encrypted web link via https channel
  • 2-factor authentication
  • Strong passwords enforced
  • IP address can be restricted
  • Added VPN security for on-premise deployment

Related Links

Release Notes

Webinars: Email [email protected] for access

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Scilligence SDMS

Web-based Repository to Manage Files from Instruments, Devices, and other Data Sources


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  • Interface with instruments and other equipment to automatically retrieve data files and documents
  • Centralized and regulated file management
  • Extract metadata effectively
  • Strict version control and detailed audit history
  • Powerful data mining options including search by chemical structures/reactions, biosequences, and keywords
  • Rich APIs for integrating with other database applications such as ELN, Registration, and Inventory
  • Cross-platform, multiple browsers supported, mobile-friendly and touch optimized


Scilligence’s Scientific Data Management System (SDMS) is a web-based repository to manage scientific files from instruments, devices, and other data sources in a centralized and regulated manner. SDMS provides powerful data mining capabilities including search by chemical structures, reactions, biosequences, and keywords. It can be integrated with a variety of instruments/equipment to retrieve output data files and extract metadata automatically. SDMS has rich APIs for integrating with other database applications with strict version control and detailed audit history.

Major Features

  • Provides an interface to analyze data from instruments and equipment
  • Extract Metadata, Generate Report, and Process Data
  • Role-based Access Control
  • Large Files Supported
  • Document Change History and Audit Trail


  • Designed for Large-scale Deployment
  • Rich SOAP and RESTful APIs for Integration and Customization
  • Amazon S3 Integration
  • Workflow Integration with Document Processing

Deployment Options and Migration

Scilligence SDMS can be deployed on-premise or on the cloud. Our team has experience migrating data from all major solution providers. Multiple cloud options and central data center options are available. It is easy to switch from cloud deployment to on-premise and vice-versa.

Security Features

  • Each installation and deployment is a separate instance
  • Secure and encrypted web link via https channel
  • 2-factor authentication
  • Strong passwords enforced
  • IP address can be restricted
  • Added VPN security for on-premise deployment

Related Links

Release Notes

Webinars: Email [email protected] for access

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Scilligence PMF

Project and Workflow Management System for Life Science R&D


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A Unified Workflow Engine to Manage:
  • Business Processes
  • Data Flow

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A Project Management Module to Manage:
  • Tasks
  • Timelines
  • Emails
  • Project documents 


  • Document and file sharing platform to enhance collaboration and productivity
  • Create and manage various R&D workflows
  • Workflow integration with ELN, Registration, and Inventory platforms
  • Cross-platform, multiple browsers supported, mobile-friendly and touch optimized
  • Easy to deploy: No software installation required
  • Supports HELM (Hierarchical Editing Language for Macromolecules) monomer management and sketching


The Scilligence Project Management Framework (PMF) empowers organizations to manage workflow and project timeline effectively. It is an easy-to-deploy collaboration platform with crucial security control, cogent document sharing, and powerful data mining technology (structure and biosequence search). PMF will help manage your timeline efficiently and integrate workflow seamlessly (ELN, Registration, Inventory, ERP, Outlook).

Major Features

  • Build and design custom workflows
  • Capture project emails, attachments, and issues
  • Create and assign and track tasks, requests, and reminders
  • Powerful indexing tool to search documents, emails, and notes
  • Generate purchase orders, time sheets, and other various Human Resource and Finance functions
  • Manage cost sheets efficiently


  • Better organization via proper record keeping of documents and emails
  • Workflow integration to enhance productivity and efficiency
  • Integration with other informatics modules

Deployment Options and Migration

Scilligence PMF can be deployed on-premise or on the cloud. Our team has experience migrating data from all major solution providers. Multiple cloud options and central data center options are available. It is easy to switch from cloud deployment to on-premise and vice-versa.

Security Features

  • Each installation and deployment is a separate instance
  • Secure and encrypted web link via https channel
  • 2-factor authentication
  • Strong passwords enforced
  • IP address can be restricted
  • Added VPN security for on-premise deployment

Related Links

Research Companies Are Adopting A Workflow Management System: You Should Too

Release Notes

Webinars: Email [email protected] for access

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