
Integrated Informatics Platform: From Small Molecules to Biologics & Beyond

April 4, 2016
MassBio Conference Room, 300 Technology Square, 8th Floor, Cambridge, MA 02139

Informatics Workshop: Integrated & Nimble Platform for Virtual Companies to Large Biotech

November 19, 2015
MassBio Conference Room, 300 Technology Square, 8th Floor, Cambridge, MA 02139

11th German Conference on Chemoinformatics (GCC 2015)

November 8 to 10, 2015
Fulda, Germany

10th AFMC International Medicinal Chemistry Symposium

October 18-21, 2015
ICC Jeju, Korea

250th ACS National Meeting & Exposition

August 16-20, 2015
Boston, MA

Drug Discovery & Therapy World Conference 2015

Jul 22-25, 2015
Hynes Convention Center, Boston, MA

World Preclinical Congress

Jun 15-17, 2015
Westin Waterfront, Boston, MA.

Resources for Innovators-A Supplier Expo & Pitch Event

Jun 9, 2015
Mass Innovation Labs, 675 West Kendall Street, Cambridge, MA

BioIT World Conference & Expo 2015

April 21-23, 2015
Seaport World Trade Center, Boston MA.

Informatics Workshop: Data-Driven Discovery from Scilligence

April 21, 2015
MassBio Conference Room, 300 Technology Square, 8th Floor, Cambridge, MA