ELN 7.0 Release Notes
Single-Step Reaction Template
- Optimized calculations for the SSR when ratios are involved
- Preserve data in the 'Request Details' table when using the 'Create Next Step' feature so that it is consistent in the new experiment
- Enable option to set default units for concentration form field in reactants table (in the SSR)
- Decimal point definition (2 places) for unit amounts and volumes in the SSR
- Yield values can be rounded to integer values (no decimal points)
- Expand display for decimal points for values entered in tables in the SSR form (in addition to scientific notation)
- The number of characters used to represent Reagents can be limited (to truncate the names)
- Optimized rendering of Reaction Path for multi-step reactions
- General bug fixes
Flex Form
- Users can now automatically locate newly created components within the Experiment
- Dialog box is displayed if the Configuration IDs are missing from the FormXML to remind the User to add this information
- Added additional fields in the Flex Form for increased User customization
- General bug fixes
Assay Data Templates
- Optimized calculations for plate templates
- Enhancements to how data readers parse compound IDs from raw data files
- Added capability to upload assay results to multiple protocols at the same time
- Improvements to data reader script command parsing
- Users can now exclude data points (from raw data tables) when generating curves
- Read multiple readouts and simultaneously calculate delta values
- Default values can be specified for data reader READ function
- General bug fixes
PDF Rendering
- Improved PDF rendering of Experiments. This is especially helpful for SSR forms where multiple columns are exported as part of the PDF
- Enable export of template FormID to the footer of a PDF
- Set defaults to font regulations (type, size, and spacing) that must be observed in documents submitted to the FDA when rendering PDFs
- Co-Author information is now included in exported PDFs
- Custom logos (images) can be added/removed from exported PDFs
- Borders for tables can be removed when exporting PDFs
- Allow for centering of form field contents
- SDMS files are exported as Attachments when rendering Experiments as PDF
- Columns for checkboxes are not included in PDF exports (minimizing the space taken)
- Standardized how headers and footers are rendered in PDF export along with font displays
- General bug fixes
Security and Access
- Admins can now re-assign Witnessing tasks to other Users. This is helpful if the original Reviewer is not available
- Optimized the Closing and Witnessing workflow for Experiments
- Added option for adding second Reviewer using a linear witnessing workflow
- External Users can view Experiments sent to them for witnessing if they have the appropriate access rights
- Expanded roles that can re-open a Closed Experiment (default configuration is limited to Admins)
- Addition of additional reviewer when closing Experiments
- Removed limitation where only Admins were able to review Experiments
- Added field for Reviewer to enter their notes when rejecting an Experiment review request
- Co-Authors will need appropriate access (same as Authors) to view Experiments and Attachments
- Email notifications can be configured to be sent when a Co-Author is created
- Co-Authors can now see other Users that are editing the Experiment
Admin Permissions
- Admins can now set retired ELN templates as non-User Creatable to prevent templates from being copied
- Admins can limit the number of open Experiments in a Notebook while prompting open Experiments to be closed
- Enabled option to limit PDF export of Experiments to Admin Users only
- Admins can be assigned only SysAdmin accounts
- Enabled Admins to open or close multiple Projects at one time
- Added Project-specific information for Admins when searching for Users
- Expanded framework for Admin access to enable different types of Admins This will help fine-tune access based on client needs
Project Manager Permissions
- Project Managers are now able to import Projects
- Project Managers and Admins can now edit and save SOPs/Templates
Internal/External Permissions
- Display of reactant, reagents, and products in the JSDraw editor can be limited to internal Users
- Automatic sorting of internal vs external users in ELN
- Added support for SAML SSO
- Disabled local login for Users signing with SSO solutions
Audit Trail
- The Audit Trail of an Experiment now captures information on order changes made to attachments, when components of a reaction are modified in the SSR template, and when publications are edited
- Enhanced tracking of all export actions of the Experiment and Attachments
- Locally encrypted files can be decrypted in the ELN (after uploading to the ELN). This requires the use of a decryption interface
- Added support for third-party encryption and decryption software to decrypt the files uploaded to ELN and encrypt the same when they are downloaded locally
- Enabled sharing of Templates/SOP across Sites and Departments
- General bug fixes
User Interface Improvements
- Revamped colors, icons, and layout for the ELN app
- ELN form templates can be further nested in menus allowing for better organization
- UI notifications are visible as bubbles for Team Discussion
- Minor updates on how information is displayed for the Cart, User, and Password Change screens
- Newly created Notebooks and Experiments are displayed on top (descending order) by default in the Main List
- Added additional fields to Project Compounds tab (to mirror what is present for the Compounds)
- Optimized how columns are hidden in Experiments
- The width of text editor windows can be set to different sizes for better screen display and PDF rendering
- Added a space (non-printing character) in the form field for amount between units and numbers
- Optimized email reminder notifications for Experiments to be closed and Experiments sent for review
- Increase the size of the dialog window that is displayed when reviewing Experiments
- Headers of tables in Experiments can be set to wrap (to display in 2 lines)
- Display Voided and Closed Notebook in My Notebooks section of the Homepage
User Function Improvements
- Added additional fields when importing bulk-importing Projects to minimize User input
- Optimized bulk importing Users to the ELN
- Enhancements to URLs display for Experiments for sharing
- Enabled batch-editing of Instruments in the ELN
- Search using Table Headers, contents within tables, and Folder name, is now possible
- Users will automatically jump to the next approval task as they go through the list when there are multiple approval tasks in the Task list
- Optimization of preview of PDF files within the ELN app
- ELN templates can now be saved/favorited for quick access
- Project Codes can now include both uppercase and lowercase characters (default display was uppercase characters)
- Added filtering options for Users by Department
- Add filter for Project Code in the Main List for filtering purposes
- Custom categories can be automatically added to the drop-down menu of category filters eliminating the need for the user to manually enter filter(s)
- Enabled edit buttons for Attachments when using the ELN4Office add-on in the ELN
- Prevent auto-collapsing of Attachments section if the User expands the same section and refreshed the Experiment page
- Attachments can also be downloaded with a dedicated button from form fields where they are uploaded
- Enabled batch downloading of Experiment Attachments
Final Report Feature
- Updated headers for columns for the Final Report feature
- The Final Report button will not appear if the add-on is not enabled
Material/Instruments/Reagents Tables
- Enhanced filtering for Materials in the ELN
- Materials with duplicate names can be used
- Instruments, Reagents, and Materials page is filterable and sortable
Character Rendering
- Improved support for Chinese characters throughout the app
- Added support for Korean Hangul characters
- Optimized display of timestamps for Projects when servers are in different geographies (from where the User is accessing the ELN)
- Timestamps entered in text box (as tokens) are synced to server where the ELN app is hosted
Audit Trail and Witnessing
- The status of an Experiment is automatically updated after the Reviewer approves an Experiment
- Added additional details in the Audit Trail when Users make changes to Experiments
Explore: Projects, Notebooks, and Experiments
- Enhanced pagination options when displaying list of Projects, Notebooks, and Experiments
- Enhanced export options for Projects, Notebooks, and Experiments (in bulk)
- Advanced reporting in the ELN for error messages
- General bug fixes