UI/UX Improvements
Assay Protocols and Views
- Assay Views: Improvements to result sorting order and consistency in downloads
- Added Assay view ability to show residual standard deviation (RSD %) values alongside average of IC50 assay results
- Added Assay Protocol ability to show other values of Inhibitory Concentration (IC) along with IC50 in the same assay protocol
- Assay Protocol: Added Next and Previous buttons to improve navigating between individual data results
Cross-Application Integration
- Improvements to database data storage and access for data push from ELN to RegMol
- Improvements to database data storage and access for data pull from RegMol to Focus
Registration Improvements
- On parent and batch registration pages, added configuration options for hiding and adding features
- Improvements to Parent attachment table data capture and storage
- Improvements to the default uniqueness check for entities with form types that do not use a drawing editor
- Improvements in audit trail information capture in entity history
- Improvements to the data capture and display for SDF file entity headers when downloaded to SDF file
- Improvements to information message error notification when registering an entity batch to a different entity type than the existing parent, the message will include the existing parent type and ID
- Added rule for stripping solvates for entity registration and bulk upload
- Added check parent function for protein sequence for bulk register
- Information message improvements when inadvertently mapping the same field twice in bulk upload
- Added feature to allow a user other than owner or admin to edit an entity batch
- Improvements to parent synonym data capture using bulk update
- Added feature to allow an entity registered from ELN to be edited in RegMol by any coauthor of the ELN experiment
- Improvements to information message during bulk register indicating a supplied alias has been used more than once
- Added ability for a zero solvate ratio for capturing trace or unknown amounts of solvate
- Improvements to process for adding custom fields
Search and Explorer
- Added display of Parent Name to the Parent Explorer page
- Improved usability in advanced search results whereby hovering over entity type icon will display the name of the entity
- Improved search performance by allowing exact match for parent or entity ID
- Improved stereochemistry structure search by using Cahn–Ingold–Prelog (CIP) priority system designations