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WEDNESDAY, April 2 – Friday, April 4
OMNI HOTEL Boston At The Seaport

Join US at SLAS2025

January 25-29, 2025
San Diego Convention Center
San Diego, CA, USA

Scilligence will be exhibiting at SLAS2025.

Inventory 7.3 Release Notes


Formulation and LNP

  • “Purpose” dropdown field in container form for "Formulation" & "LNP". “Purpose” select options can now be controlled by admin using the dictionary feature.


  • “Type” icon now displays under location barcode column in the cart page and is added to the front of the barcode hyperlink on container level.
  • Under Location -> Location type, when selecting “Grid” or “Slidebox,” the “Grid Size” field will appear and have standard sizes.
  • Slidebox size can now be set when importing location.
  • Added warning rules for location grid type - accounts for volume and mass, but prioritizes volume if both are indicated.
  • Users cannotchange "Grid" or "Slidebox" location type after it has been created.
  • “Low Indicator Amount” input field will be disabled when "Slidebox" location type is selected.


  • General bug fixes for amount/volume used and for tares.
  • For Cell Line containers, QTY now refers to the number of containers instead of number of cells.
  • Users can edit the location of multiple containers at one time, even if the selection includes those with storage restrictions. An alert will notify the user of failed location changes.
  • In Admin -> Reports-> QC Management, only products with containers in stock will be recorded in Samples in High-Stock.
  • Revert location for a container is not allowed when the container doesn't meet storage restrictions.
  • Automatically check storage restrictions and throw errors as appropriate when adding a container with restrictions to a location with restrictions.
  • The “Relationship to Parent” column of the new container created will no longer be empty when using "Bulk daughter creation" functionality during bulk update.
  • Containers can be bulk split in Compound Management.
  • Volume/amount of “0” can now be saved.


  • General bug fixes for populating plates.
  • Plates can no longer be added to grid locations.


  • Improvements to process “Request for Use” and “Request for Purchase”.
  • Added request detail workflow log to the Request page.


  • General bug fixes.
  • Regular (non-admin and non-stockroom role) users are now able to add lots and containers.
  • Notes can now be tracked in the audit trail for product/lot history.


  • Able to use Chinese characters for container types name.
  • Updated some icons.
  • Prompt ‘Please avoid naming the barcode field with hyphens '-' specifically for Grid and Slidebox'.
  • Items can be opened in a new browser tab when right-clicked on and selected.
  • Updated email templates for password reset and request, and for MFA code.
  • Changed tooltip for Overwrite Status to Change Status.
  • In the Add to Plate dialog box, added a help text next to the Well Range field to provide information on how to input a well range when adding a container to a plate.
  • A pop-up message will indicate how many items were added to the cart.

Bulk Actions

  • Fixed select and multiselect type for Bulk Import and Bulk Update.
  • Both admin and non-admin users can bulk split containers.
  • Can now update container status in Bulk Update.


  • SubProjects can be added under Parent Projects.
  • Added the ability to sort by products and users on projects page.
  • Project Member Users section now has Count.
  • SubProject cannot be deleted.
  • When adding SubProjects, only SubProjects will be available to be selected in the SubProjects field.
  • Project codes now display correctly in both product and lot history.
  • Non-project read role is not able to search containers of a protected project.
  • Updated cart list to account for multiprojects.


  • General updates to amount/volume statuses.
  • If a container’s remaining amount/volume is 0 it will be reported as 0. If the amount/volume is null (no value), it will be shown as null (no value) in the reporting page.
  • Add the ability to autosuggest Parent ID / Entity ID from RegMol.
  • Quantity in Reporting shows the low-stock quantity alert value for products.
  • Under Admin, reporting, QC Management and Statistics are now merged into one page.

Compound Management

  • In Compound Management, under Cherry Pick, Containers with the same parent are now under the same drop box.
  • Project code can no longer be null when searching compounds in Compound Management page.

RegMol 7.3 Release Notes


Project Portal Enhancements:

  • The user can choose which columns to download.
  • The table sorting and loading speed is improved.
  • Added chemistry/biology role permissions to download data and structures from the project portal via SDF or CSV.


  • Parents and Batches can now be added to multiple projects.
  • A Subprojects option can be added to RegMol via a configuration. Subproject will now have distinct child tables from the Parent Project e.g. Project Members can have separate access permissions for subprojects and Project Portal will display only the Entities for that subproject.

Assay Protocols and Views

Assay View:

  • Assay View Chart information axis display improvements: added label rotate and bottom margin options.
  • Added informational pop-up message when saving a view while the data was aggregated by parent.
  • Added informational message when sorting, then aggregating by parent. As sorting is not a function with “Aggregate By Parent”, a message will pop up "By parent case sorting is currently not implemented".             
  • A ‘structure size’ option is added to the Assay View toolbar to select the display size of the structures in the structure column.
  • The name of the Assay View is now visible on the Assay View edit page.
  • General performance enhancements to the Assay View page.
  • Additional checks are added for deletion-related permissions:
    • Admins are not allowed to delete Data Field columns in Protocols that already contain values. A message will be displayed if trying to delete.
    • Admins are allowed to delete columns that have no values yet.
    • If admins attempt to delete protocol columns that have no values but are already added to assay view(s), a prompt appears with instructions for how to proceed.

Assay Protocols:

  • Added a friendly prompt that the protocol column can't be deleted when it contains existing values.
  • Wildcard search added for assay results for the following columns: Alias, plateno, well, author, expno.
  • Added page counts to Protocol and Data Fields tabs.
  • Added the ‘Clear Filter’ function in the Protocol List table.
  • Admin users can now add Protocols to a Project directly from the Projects tab in the Protocols submenu of the Assay admin menu function page.             
  • Chinese characters can now be displayed in a Data Reader name field.

Cross-application Integration

Inventory and RegMol Sync changes

  • A new ‘multi-projects’ feature for syncing projects between RegMol and Inventory via Project Codes has been implemented. For an integrated system, once synced any project added or edited in RegMol or Inventory will update in both apps.
  • Project Code, Name, Category, and Status (closed/open) will be synced between RegMol and Inventory.
  • In Inventory, when a project is created with a project code that does not exist in RegMol, the project will also be created in RegMol.
  • In Inventory, when a Project Name is updated, the project name will also be updated in RegMol.
  • In Inventory, updating the project code to a project code that already exists in RegMol will result in an informational error message.
  • In RegMol, the following features are no longer visible OOB without Inventory integrations: Manager containers button, Containers table (for new Inventory or RegMol installations).
  • The ability to push entities manually from RegMol to Inventory using the push to Inventory admin/Bulk-registration feature is significantly improved.
  • A descriptive message has been added for an Inventory and RegMol sync error. For example, in the Batch Explorer view a message will be displayed if there is a sync error in the containers tab.


  • When right-clicking an entity type under My Pre-Registries, Pre-Register, Register, Bulk-Register, Parent Explorer, Batch Explorer and ADC Explorer the page will open in a new browser tab.
  • Added informational messages when selecting and adding compounds to cart to make it more user friendly.

Entity Lists, Search and Explorer

  • In Batch Explorer, added ability to search simultaneously for multiple entity IDs with the separators: “,” or “;”.
  • In Parent Explorer, added a Created Date range filter.
  • In Parent Explorer, added the ability to filter by Number of Batches and by Parent Name.
  • In Advanced Search, added the option to search with Substructure/Stereo=CIP in the ‘search type’ dropdown.
  • Added the ability to search for a Sequence using lower case input.
  • Added ability to add custom columns to both Quick and Advanced searches via a configuration.
  • Added the following search features:
    • Search for atom ring status (whether atom is part of a ring or not).
    • Search for aromatic or aliphatic bonds.
    • Search for substitution count (number of non-hydrogen substituents and isotopic hydrogen substituents).
    • Search for unsaturated atoms (atom has at least one double, triple, or aromatic bond).
  • Added a new feature on the Search Entities results page that will suggest a quick link to the batch/parent being searched.


  • Added function for filtering and sorting of columns on the Monomers management page.
  • Enhanced the substructure search for HELM Monomers. Now the table of monomers will automatically refresh after clicking Done in substructure search (previously needed to refresh the page or click enter in the search box).                            
  • Monomer Aliases in the Monomer Library can now display Chinese characters.


UIUX enhancements:

  • The Gallery icon is added to the Structure Editor options, to access the gallery of graphics that can be added to the sketcher.
  • An informational message will be displayed if, when registering a gene with two chains and a disulfide bond between the chains, the registration violates the rule where the same Cysteine participates in multiple disulfide bonds.
  • The pop-up message when attempting to change to the existing status is now more informative. “The status must be changed to a new value".
  • For Bulk-Registration: added display message, in the entityID column, for any row in which the project listed is not a project that exists in RegMol.             
  • For Bulk-Registration: added descriptive messages when using 'Check Duplicates' feature on peptide registration to indicate a column needs to be mapped to Structure.             
  • Added Expression System and Expression Vessel dictionary categories by default.
  • Added full screen option to all OOB entity forms that use structure editors.
  • Updated and aligned Vendor section across all forms:
    • Changed Vendor to Vendor Name.
    • Changed Vendor CN to Vendor Cat #.
    • Removed the field for Vendor Lot#
    • Changed Vendor Link to Website Link.

History log enhancements:

  • The parent history now captures information about attachment editing.
  • Added improvements to entity History including:
    • Changes made to the registration are now captured in the Molecule Sheet History section by default.
    • Updating batch structure updates parent history table when there is only one batch.
    • Updating description field of the parent, updates the history table.
    • Updates are captured using other methods of updating such as when using the following admin options:
      • data management -> update structure/sequence.
      • data management -> bulk update structures.
      • bulk -> nonstructural data -> parent.

Entity Form Updates

  • In the Antibody form an informative message is given if entering sequences in the antibody builder that are not present in the database.             
  • The ADC form is streamlined, and the ADC builder wording is updated.
  • A new Plasmid form is added by default.
  • A new LNP form add-on is available including:
    • A new LNP explorer page with LNP fields filtering and advanced searching.
    • Dropdown fields entries are added by default to the dictionary.
    • Tooltips are added to the form.
  • A new Stability Study form for formulations add-on is available.

Chemistry updates:

  • Improvements to chiral center recognition for uniqueness check.
  • Added new rules to check for chiral flags and Enhanced Stereochemistry tags on bonds. If a structure is drawn with incorrect stereochemistry, a message will be displayed.  
  • Enhancements in searching for Entities with advanced stereochemistry. The search type stereo=CIP (Cahn-Ingold-Prelog priority rules) search is now supported. For example, Searching for a structure with a wedge bond designated (S) vs (R).


Delete, Entities Page

  • Optimized SQL queries for quicker loading of entities.

Data Management, Update Structure/Sequence page

  • Optimized SQL queries for quicker loading of entities.
  • Added full-screen option to structure editor in the update structure/sequence dialog.
  • Added ability to modify antibody stoichiometry.

Bulk Upload, Relationships page

  • Added save, delete rows, and insert rows buttons to the tool bar for bulk upload relationships.

Bulk Upload, Salts/Solvates page

  • Added save, delete rows, and insert rows buttons to the tool bar for bulk upload salts/solvates.

Bulk upload, Non-structural Data page

  • Added ability to bulk update data in a multi-select type field.

Assay, Data Readers page

  • Added wildcard * search.

System Data, Structure Classes page

  • Under the column data, Class Code, Class Name, and Class Type can now be filtered using the wildcard * option.

Salt Page

  • Added a check to the SMILES column on the salt table so only valid SMILES strings can be added there.

User Management roles

  • Added role restriction improvements for Assay View download:
    • Admin/super reader/chemistry can download structures as Excel/CSV/SDF (SMILES for CSV).
    • Biology role cannot download structures as Excel/CSV.
    • If a user has no assigned roles and is not an admin, an information message is displayed when trying to download a View.
  • Implemented a new search restriction feature where users without the Chemistry role cannot perform a structure search.             

ELN 7.3 Release Notes


  • Added a simplified copy feature for experiments and notebooks.
  • UIUX

    • Enhanced experiment tab display within the Workspace.
    • Improved Dark Mode display.
    • Improved dropdown box display across the ELN.
    • Refined various sections of the experiment forms for better organization and usability.
    • Improved table display in PDF downloads. 

    Experimental Templates

    • New forms introduced for:
      • Formulation workflows with integration capabilities.
      • Conjugation workflows.
      • LNP (Liponanoparticles)
    • Adjustments to co-author functions for inactive users.
    • Witnesses can now be reassigned by a different user.
    • Single step reaction:
      • New pivoted display option added for tables.
      • Updates to features in the Procedure section of the SSR form.
      • Reaction Details updated in the SSR form.
      • Certain tables in the SSR form are no longer displayed by default.
    • Form field names in the Flex-Form have been updated and expanded.
    • New features introduced to the Dose-Response form.
      • Simplified form is available.
      • Unpublish data feature added.
      • Improved curve display.


    • Users can now search for text within files embedded in experiments.



    • New Report feature for Admins which allows managers to collect and chart data on user activity.
    • The Certified user option is now hidden by default.
    • Users can now perform wildcard searches with Chinese characters in Project Name and Notebook Name fields.
    • When the default configuration of one notebook per project is activated, a user’s notebook cannot be moved to a different project via the Notebooks page Change Project icon, under the Explore icon, where that user already has a notebook.
    • The system can be configured to store all attachment files in the S3 bucket (a secure and scalable repository within the provided Amazon cloud for file storage). This feature is available on both Scilligence cloud servers and customer servers.
    • A new column has been added in the Main List under Notebook to display the Form Type of the listed experiments.
    • After using the search function, users are now able to use the filtering features in the Main List.
    • Users can now search using the Employee ID in the Full Name field within the Project section.
    • In the Workspace’s Main List, the width of a column matches the width of the longest text in that column. 
    • Data Reader is now able to display Chinese characters in the Data Reader Name field. 
    • Sysadmin features like Manage Sites, IP ranges and My Table Manager are hidden from Admins. 
    • Added configuration option to add Additional information to automated request emails to inform users of the nature of the request. 
    • The new copy/paste experiment feature allows users to copy an experiment from one notebook to another without using the cart feature.

    ELN Forms (General)

    • The help text that appears when editing Experiment forms under the Admin, Manage Forms page is updated for clarity.
    • AutoText tokens are no longer editable in the Procedure of any form.
    • New feature allows user to delete, append or rename files/experiments by right-clicking on them within the attachment section. 
    • An experiment no longer saves automatically if no changes are made when navigating away from it.
    • A more detailed error message appears when a user attempts to create an experiment in a project for which they no longer have “write” privileges. "Please create documents within your notebooks or folders. Write privilege is required in the associated project."
    • The design of Pivot tables is improved for closed experiments. 
    • A new feature allows users to use existing experiments as templates. 
    • The SOP pop up window accessible through the Procedure table has been renamed to Procedure Template.
    • The audit trail feature has been improved to capture changes only when modifications are made to experiments containing a sequence editor (ie. Protein sequence). 
    • A new error message will appear if a product is registered to RegMol into a Project that does not exist. "Project code XXX not found in RegMol. Please ensure that the project code is correct or create the project in RegMol if it does not exist." 
    • The ability for users to use the characters “>” and “<” in the Notes fields of experimental templates is added. 
    • Users are now able to access and download file attachments in an experiment form via an API.

    Single-Step Reaction

    • Instead of being populated with the default value of 0, the theory amount will remain blank until the appropriate fields are filled.
    • The form is updated to hide the following tables by default: Request Details, Project Information, Analytical Samples, Analytical Results, Operations and Reference.
    • The Reaction Details table is updated to hide the Main Yield, Recommendation and Compound Row as well as making Outcome as a non-mandatory field by default. 
    • In the Reagents table, the Common Reagent button is now hidden by default.
    • A reagent’s density will appear in the Reagents table as it is displayed in the ReagentDB.
    • When ELN is integrated with Inventory, a “Check Availability” button is added in the Reactants table to allow the user to select a reactant from Inventory. 
    • Results are now displayed in standard scientific notation when a number is small eg. picomoles.
      • A new option is available for tables to be displayed in a pivoted manner in an experiment form so as to show more information in the table without having to scroll left and right. 
    • Users with the Biology role will no longer be able to populate structures into ELN by default. 
    • After registering a product to RegMol, the hyperlink of the Reg. No will open RegMol in a new tab.

    Flex Form

    • In the append field drop-down:
      • Outdated form fields have been removed
      • Some existing form fields have been renamed. 

    ADC form

    • “MW (Measured Avg)” field is added.

    Dose Response form

    • In the Results Curve View Raw Assay Data pop-up window Raw Assay Data is now displayed in the Data tab and the curve specifications are displayed in the General tab.

    In the Assay Protocol field, a dropdown list will appear when the user starts to type the name of the assay.

    • Data can now be entered in the Results table of the ELN form to protocol columns pulled from RegMol that are type “float”.
    • A new simplified Dose-Response Assay Plate template is available.
      • This form has been streamlined to improve user experience.
    • New Unpublish button added to the Dose Response form Results table to roll back data results from RegMol.
    • Improved readability of curve visualizations:
      • Show Text option added to toggle the display of IC50, hillslope and R2 when overlaying curves.
      • The legend placement can be added to the top of the curves with a configuration.

    LNP form

    • This version includes templates for designing both empty and nucleic acid-loaded lipid nanoparticles, each with two calculation approaches that vary based on user input. The forms support nanoparticle designs containing one or two ionizable lipids. When integrated with RegMol, the ELN allows users to pull component information directly from RegMol and register LNPs seamlessly from within the ELN. Users can also submit characterization and stability data from ELN experiments into RegMol. Additionally, integration with the inventory allows for container creation and automatic container usage updates directly within the ELN experiment. 

    New Conjugation form

    • The new conjugation form feature allows building ADCs and populating a relationships table in ELN.
    • A New Analytical Results table was added named “Analytical Characterization” that can be used to push data to RegMol.
    • Changing the unit of concentration will automatically recalculate and update the volume of an entity in a table.

    Formulation forms

    • This version includes three templates for the purpose of Formulation studies. The forms support Recipe creation, Batch creation and Analytical study of Formulations. When integrated with RegMol and Inventory, the ELN allows users to register Recipes directly to RegMol and pull that information back into ELN when creating a batch. The Formulation Analytical template can also be connected to RegMol through its Protocol feature. Additionally, containers from Inventory can be selected for Batch creation and new containers can be registered to Inventory straight from ELN. All these templates also work without integrating with Inventory and RegMol.


    • The dialogue box “Drop changes, and reload it?” is removed after the user clicks on the Co-Author Finish Editing button.
    • If an experiment has been closed, the co-author does not need to review and sign the experiment page. It will no longer appear under their tasks.


    • If a closed experiment has been assigned to more than one user, an admin can replace one of the witnesses with a different user.

    Audit Trail

    • Users can now select two different versions of the audit trail to compare. This feature is in beta and not fully functional. It is being refined and included for visibility, with updates planned in future releases.


    • A reporting feature has been added under the Admin menu, enabling admin users to create detailed reports of user activity based on various categories such as User, Site, Project, Account, Direct Manager, Top Manager, Form type, and Department. Admins can generate reports for different accounts and specific dates or time periods. The reports can be downloaded as .csv files and include information on open, closed, witnessed, and voided experiments by category, along with the associated experiment list. Additionally, the reporting feature allows admins to display selected information in a bar chart format.

    PDF and Word Rendering

    • The table rendering of experiments in PDF downloads has been improved.
    • The format of a table in the Free Form will remain consistent when downloading the form as a PDF. 


    • Users are now able to search for text in files embedded within experiments. 
    • Users are now able to filter for Bio Tags, such as Species and Study, in the Main List  Search results. 

    Security and Access

    • Users are no longer able to move a notebook to a Project that the Notebook’s author does not have access to. 


    • The X button to close an experiment tab has been centered. 
    • Dropdown boxes are no longer limited by the size of the pop-up window they are in and will extend past it if appropriate, the scroll bar is now associated with the dropdown box rather than the pop-up window. 
    • Template dialogue box’s width will auto adjust to window size.
    • Team Discussion section heading in experiment forms is now displayed in bold. 
    • Users are now able to edit the material table in full screen in ELN templates. 
    • On Experiment forms, the "Manage Files" tooltip is changed to "Manage Attachments". 
    • When creating a new experiment, in the New Entity window, the user can now press enter on their keyboard to trigger the creation of the experiment.

    Inventory 7.2.1 Release Notes

    New Features/Enhancements

    Integrated Product Category

    • Hide 'add', 'edit', 'delete', 'change parent' buttons in Inventory's lot table after RegMol batch deletion.

    Containers Page

    • Displayed a user-friendly message for containers originating from deleted RegMol parents in the Voided Containers category. Containers from deleted RegMol parents now show "Parent does not exist in RegMol" instead of "REG" as the ProductNo.
    • Modified SQL to include missing comma and columns (LotID, RegBatchID) for the Voided Containers category in My Containers tree.

    API Keys Page

    • Added back the API Keys option under the admin menu for sysadmin users.

    Audit Trail

    • Sorted audit trail log by descending date.
    • Added Category/Project Code to product history and Product No to lot history for non-integrated product categories.

    Bug Fixes

    Statistics Page

    • Fixed errors related to HazardFlags column in Admin -> Reports -> Statistics.

    Integrated Product Category

    • Fixed lot number issues after batch deletion in RegMol and synchronization with Inventory.

    Container-Level Filters

    • Tags Filter: Fixed 'Invalid column name 'Tags'' error when using the Tags filter on containers (My Containers, My Cart, Locations, Products, Quick Search Results).
    • Purpose Filter: Fixed errors with purpose filter on containers.

    Container Calculations

    • Fixed Amount/Volume recalculations after 'partial use' operations in container toolbars across pages and barcode operation page.
    • Fixed container volume calculations.


    • Fixed errors when sorting on column headers after advanced search queries.
    • Fixed sorting errors on Compound Management page.
    • Fixed sorting issue for column headers in non-integrated and integrated product categories Container Tables and Cart Page.

    Containers Page

    • Fixed errors that occurred after navigating to the page and selecting the Voided category in My Containers tree.

    Sub-Product Category

    • Fixed access issues for non-admin users to containers and products of sub-product categories.
    • Fixed an issue where changing a product record from a parent-category to a sub-category in an integrated-product category caused the ProductNo to change to 'Reg'.

    Locations Page

    • Fixed Count filter issue on Locations page.
    • Fixed issue where Location would duplicate the parent location when searched. 

    Quick Search Page

    • Prevented editing of integrated product records from Quick Search results.
    • Fixed errors in Quick Search page for pagination and record count display.

    User Roles & Permissions

    • Fixed creation and editing permissions for products/lots/containers of unprotected projects.
    • Fixed incorrect syntax error for users with stockroom role and part of the Chemistry department upon login.

    Audit Trail

    • Fixed audit trail issues for integrated product categories related to REGII custom columns.

    REG/INV Integration Migration

    • Fixed duplicate data display issues with Inventory product records after upgrading to 7.2.1 and executing migration script for existing data.

    Products Page

    • Fixed errors in 'member users' tab import members functionality.

    Cart Page

    • Fixed an issue where Container-level custom columns could not be saved on the Cart page. After adding a container to the cart, editing the record, and changing the value for a custom column, the value was not saving and was displaying the old value in the cart table. Now able to save Container-level custom column values for both Integrated and Non-integrated product categories in the Cart.
    • Fixed an issue where the value of a custom column was not being displayed on the Cart page.

    Compound Management Page

    • Fixed duplicate results issue when querying compounds during cherry pick. Removed old code checking for regii flag in cherrypick that could potentially yield duplicate results if records for integrated product categories weren't properly migrated.
    • Fixed errors related to container Mass and Molar concentration calculations using the dissolve operation.


    • Fixed errors displayed when attempting to use features like merge, split, and replicate for containers.

    Custom Columns

    • Fixed issue where custom column values were not displaying in containers page, location page, compound management page, and Quick Search Results page.
    • Fixed error when editing/filtering custom columns for products and lots.

    RegMol 7.2.1 Release Notes

    New Features/Enhancements

    Alias Manager

    ADC Form

    • Added “MW (Measured avg)” as additional parameter to conjugation-type entity forms.

    Conjugation Registration Form

    • Added ELN's new integrated conjugation form functionalities to RegMol.

    Project Portal

    • Increased Project Portal’s sdf download compatibility.

    Bug Fixes

    Advanced Search

    • Fixed an error that occurred when clicking the filter status in the Results tab.
    • Fixed an error that occurred when adding search results (including ADCs) to an entity list.

    ADC Registration

    • Single and Bulk ADC Registration Permissions: Implemented permission checks for all fields during ADC registration.

    Parent Explorer for Antibodies

    • Fixed an issue where only one sequence for antibodies was shown in the Parent Explorer instead of separate chains.

    Batch Explorer for Antibodies

    • Fixed an issue where the Parent tab in Batch Explorer showed only one sequence for antibodies instead of separate chains.

    Project Portal

    • Fixed an error when using the pivot filter in the project portal tab on the projects page.

    Assay View

    • Restored functionality to fast download assay views from projects.


    • Fixed an error that occurred when changing project member permissions.

    ELN 7.2.1 Release Notes

    New Features/Enhancements

    Experiment Template

    Bug Fixes

    Search Bar Functionality

    • Resolved an issue where the search bar disappeared after a timeout.

    Display As Card Option in Main List Toolbar

    • Added hyperlink display in Card View for Entry No, Author, and Project fields

    Experiment Status Indicators in Card View

    • Visual indicators of Experiment Status (blue/gold padlocks) have been restored in the card view, providing a clear representation of the experiment's status.

    PDF Header Formatting

    • Resolved an issue where Chinese fonts in the PDF header were not displayed correctly.

    ADC Registration to RegMol

    • The issue where registering ADC to RegMol did not create relationships or fill components has been resolved.

    ELN Workspace Explorer Tree

    • Restored visibility of nested notebooks for projects under "My Projects" in the Explorer tree.

    Yellow Text Template Buttons

    • The "select yellow text template" and "clear" buttons in field text templates have been disabled for closed or witnessed experiments, preventing unintended modifications to completed experiments.

    RegMol 7.1 Release Notes

    UI/UX Improvements

    Assay Protocols and Views

    • Assay Views: Improvements to result sorting order and consistency in downloads
    • Added Assay view ability to show residual standard deviation (RSD %) values alongside average of IC50 assay results
    • Added Assay Protocol ability to show other values of Inhibitory Concentration (IC) along with IC50 in the same assay protocol
    • Assay Protocol: Added Next and Previous buttons to improve navigating between individual data results

    Cross-Application Integration

    • Improvements to database data storage and access for data push from ELN to RegMol
    • Improvements to database data storage and access for data pull from RegMol to Focus

    Registration Improvements

    • On parent and batch registration pages, added configuration options for hiding and adding features
    • Improvements to Parent attachment table data capture and storage
    • Improvements to the default uniqueness check for entities with form types that do not use a drawing editor
    • Improvements in audit trail information capture in entity history
    • Improvements to the data capture and display for SDF file entity headers when downloaded to SDF file
    • Improvements to information message error notification when registering an entity batch to a different entity type than the existing parent, the message will include the existing parent type and ID
    • Added rule for stripping solvates for entity registration and bulk upload
    • Added check parent function for protein sequence for bulk register
    • Information message improvements when inadvertently mapping the same field twice in bulk upload
    • Added feature to allow a user other than owner or admin to edit an entity batch 
    • Improvements to parent synonym data capture using bulk update
    • Added feature to allow an entity registered from ELN to be edited in RegMol by any coauthor of the ELN experiment  
    • Improvements to information message during bulk register indicating a supplied alias has been used more than once
    • Added ability for a zero solvate ratio for capturing trace or unknown amounts of solvate
    • Improvements to process for adding custom fields

    Search and Explorer

    • Added display of Parent Name to the Parent Explorer page
    • Improved usability in advanced search results whereby hovering over entity type icon will display the name of the entity
    • Improved search performance by allowing exact match for parent or entity ID
    • Improved stereochemistry structure search by using Cahn–Ingold–Prelog (CIP) priority system designations

    ELN 7.1 Release Notes

    ELN Forms (General)

    Explorer Table

    • A manager will now be able to view witnessing jobs assigned to them by their team member.
    • Explorer table updates automatically without needing to click on the Refresh button
    • Closed Tasks no longer appear in the Overdue Tasks list.

    Default Forms

    • When renaming an attachment, its display name will automatically change.
    • Users are now able to create new experiments in shared notebooks and edit the contents of an experiment.
    • When a borrower is approved to borrow a notebook, they will be able to find the notebook using the search function.
    • Subquery improvements when using the following values =, !=, <, <=, >, >=
    • Improvements to the My Reagents reagents display
    • In the Hybrid Freeform Bioassay, the Data Reader column was added to the Raw Files table.

    Single-Step Reaction

    • Improvements to Procedure column of the Operations table function
    • In the Reagents table, when an entity does not have a molecular weight (ie. a catalyst), the amount field will now save the information displayed/entered in it.
    • The reactant table can now clear automatically when the reaction scheme is modified.

    Flex Form

    • A field and its contents can be copied via a copy button in the Change Order interface.
    • Audit trail will now only highlight specific changes for each timestamp.

    Audit Trail

    • Actions of a co-author of an experiment are now included in the audit trail.
    • In the audit trail of an experiment, a new row is created to follow each action taken by a user.
    • Users can view the audit trail of yellow highlighted text in the forms text areas.


    • Changes in author, co-author and reviewer annotations can now be saved after an experiment has been witnessed.
    • By default users can no longer select an experiment author or co-author as the second witness of that experiment.
    • Only users that are members of the same project are displayed as possible co-authors for a notebook.
    • When a user is a co-author of an experiment, their manager can view all experiments in the notebook they are co-author of

    PDF Rendering

    • Improvements to PDF rendering on study report form

    Security and Access

    • Contents of an open Project are no longer visible by external users not in that Project
    • Admins can now change the site information of non-admin users
    • Site admins will now only be able to view projects, notebooks, and experiments within their site.
    • Possibility to limit experiment searching for users with restricted privilege in projects to closed experiment.
    • A user with write-only permission in a project will only view their own notebook in that project.
    • A team member set as a witness by their manager will now be able to view the notebooks and experiment of the user whose experiment needs witnessing.
    • A manager will be able to view their team member’s notebooks whether they are in the same projects or not.
    • An admin can now borrow an experiment.
    • All users within an analytical group can edit experiments without being assigned as co-authors.
    • A user account will no longer have a manager automatically assigned to it.


    • Improvements to UI/UX icon display