Version 6 Feature Highlights
User Interface Updates
Tabs and Multiple Viewing Options
Version 6 includes interface updates such as a tab display that allows users to easily manage and toggle between experiments and documents. Additional options for displaying data have been added to allow more ways to visualize data. Users can now view their entries in a Table, Small-Card, Large-Card, Landscape, and Portrait display. The update also includes visual improvements such as updated colors and icons.
BioAssay Features
Dose Response Template
Dose Response template has been added including improvements to curve fitting, raw data parsing, and curve QC process. Users can now calculate IC50, IC90, IC80 ICx, and ECx. Heatmaps and curve overlays can be used to easily compare data. Plate templates can be saved in ELN or retrieved from RegMol and Inventory.
Hybrid Free-Form
New Hybrid Free-Form template utilizes custom data readers to parse raw data files and organize the data into Scilligence ELN. Text, curves, and images can all be extracted, and values can be checked to ensure the proper template was used. The data can be easily submitted from Scilligence ELN into RegMol.
Admin Features
Bulk Editing
Bulk editing options have been added such as the ability to bulk-add users to projects.
Dictionary Feature
The new dictionary feature allows admins to create, edit, and manage terms and categories within ELN. The feature allows admins to manage ontologies to better mine data.
User Features
Flex Form
New Flex Form template allows users to design their own experimental templates with custom data fields.
Bulk Editing Features
New bulk editing features have been added such as bulk update and container splitting. Bulk import functionalities in Inventory and RegMol have been redesigned to reduce clicks and provide a more intuitive process for users. Users can easily bulk import sample data from a variety of file types and match to appropriate columns.
Features for Collaboration
Co-Author Feature
New Co-Author feature allows multiple users to collaborate on an experiment while maintaining 21 CFR Part 11 compliance. The feature works across all experimental templates.
Study Report Feature
New Study Report feature allows study directors to manage biological or DMPK studies effectively and efficiently. Scientists can also use this generic setup to generate a report of multiple ELN experiments and documents.
Hierarchical Editing Language for Macromolecules (HELM)
As the developer of HELM Web Editor, Scilligence’s platform supports HELM capabilities out-of-the-box. In addition, Scilligence team have developed advanced HELM features for data migration from legacy systems or syntax, HELM enumeration of peptides and oligonucleotides, and In-Line HELM for DEL (DNA-Encoded Library) and ADC (Antibody Drug Conjugate).
Scilligence Project Management Framework (PMF)
Product Overview
Scilligence PMF is a powerful workflow engine to fulfill the following two purposes:
1. Connect scientists to collaborate and automate processes by workflow control
2. Automate data flow through workflows
Many out-of-the-box workflows have been added to version 6, which include requesting samples, performing dissolutions, creating sample plates, requesting synthesis from CROs.
New ELN4Office integration allows users to access Excel and Word templates or documents in their ELN experiments directly in MS Office applications. Users can input and analyze data in Excel. Updated Excel data will be automatically updated into ELN experiments.
Scilligence Scientific Data Management System (SDMS)
We introduced an array of new functionality in Scilligence SDMS to help with sample and instrument management. It is now easier than ever for scientists to associate their raw instrument files as well as experimental data files with their samples as well as access and view them. With the new instrument managements features, users can manage the repair and calibration schedules of their equipment. Instrument scheduling for shared equipment has also been added. Document borrowing management was introduced to manage files that have a limited access period.
Scilligence Focus
Scilligence Focus is our web-based analytics and visualization tool for chemistry and biology data. Features include integration with RegMol (Scilligence’s entity registration system and bioassay database), SAR analysis with R-group decomposition, data import from SD files, visualization through a variety of chart types, and chart sharing for drug discovery collaboration.