JSDraw™ 2 – A Javascript Chemical/Biological Structure Editor/Viewer
JSDraw brings chemistry capabilities to your web pages. With this javascript library you can display and draw chemical structures in web pages, which works cross-browser, including IE, Firefox, Safari, Opera and Chrome, cross-platform, including Windows, Windows 8, Mac, Linux, and even iPhone, Android and other mobile devices.
Major Features:
- JSDraw 2 can run in classic mode, tablet mode and phone mode (demo)
- Full-functional chemical structure editor (demo)
- High-quality chemical structure rendering (demo)
- One-line-script to publish SDF file (SDF List, SDF Grid)
- Intelligent, editable and searchable (substructure, fullstructure) chemical structure table control (demo)
- Substructure search
- Stereochemistry supported
- Reaction and reaction map supported (demo)
- Annotation supported
- Highlighting query or scaffold
- Completely cross browser, cross-platform
- Inputting Mol file, Rxn file, SDF file
- Exporting Mol file, Rxn file, SMILES, SMARTS(demo), Html, Formula, Mol weight
- Customizable plug-in architecture (demo)
- Atom Tag(demo)
- HTML/Image column type (demo)
- Name2structure integrating with Chemistry Spreadsheet (demo)
- SDF File Viewer and Publisher (demo)
Some Drawing Tips:
- Any tool can draw bond
- Click single bond to set double bond
- Mouse hove bonds and press 0-8 keys to set bond types
- Mouse hove atoms and press characters key to set atom types
- Mouse hove atom, bond, arrow or plus and press DEL key to delete objects
- Drag objects to change position
- Hold Ctrl key and drag selected objects to copy them
- Ctrl+C for copy, Ctrl+X for cut, Ctrl+V for paste, Ctrl+Z for undo and Ctrl+Y for redo
- Right click atom/bond/blank area for different context menu
Example 1 (Viewer, using molurl):
<div class='JSDraw' id="jsdraw1" style="width: 400px; height: 330px;border:1px solid gray" dataformat='molurl' data='mol1.mol.txt' viewonly ></div>
Example 2 (Editor, using molfile):
<div class='JSDraw' id="jsdraw2" style="width: 500px; height: 300px;border:1px solid gray" dataformat='molfile' data=' JSDraw 5 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 V2000 2.2994 2.0277 0.0000 O 0 0 3.2617 0.3611 0.0000 F 0 0 2.2994 0.9166 0.0000 C 0 0 1.3372 0.3611 0.0000 N 0 0 0.3750 0.9166 0.0000 Cl 0 0 3 1 2 3 2 1 4 3 1 5 4 1 M END'></div'>
Example 3 (Editor, using JSDraw compatible html):
<div class='JSDraw' style='width:600px;height:300px;' viewonly> <a i=1 e='C' p='10.192 6.656'></a> <a i=2 e='C' p='11.543 5.876'></a> <a i=3 e='C' p='12.894 6.656'></a> <a i=4 e='O' p='11.543 4.316'></a> <b a1=1 a2=2 t=1 r='black'></b> <b a1=2 a2=3 t=1 r='black'></b> <b a1=2 a2=4 t=2 r='black'></b> </div>
Example 4 (SDF Viewer):
<script type="text/javascript">
new JSDraw2.Table("sdf4.sdf.txt", {grid:true, cols:5, width:200, height:120, searchable:true});
In order to let IE9 render graphics in SVG, which is much faster than traditional VML, you need include following meta tag in <head> section:
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" >
class JSDraw2.Mol
- JSDraw2.Mol was called JsMol in JSDraw 1.x
- Constructor
- new JSDraw2.Mol()
- Members
- atoms – an array contains all atoms
- bonds – an array contains all bonds
- Methods
- aamap(target, fullstructure) – Perform atom-by-atom mapping, and return the map if succeeded. target is a JsMol object; full tructure to indicate to do a full-structure search.
- cleanupRxn() – Clean up reaction
- clear() – Remove all atoms and bonds
- clone(selectOnly) – Clone a new JsMol object
- flipX(x)
- flipY(y)
- fullstructureMatch(target) – Perform a full-structure search, and return true if succeeded
- getExactMass()
- getFormula(html)
- getHtml()
- getMolfile()
- getMolWeight()
- getRxnfile()
- getSmiles()
- isEmpty()
- moveCenter()
- scale(factor)
- setColor(color)
- setHtml(html)
- setMolfile(molfile)
- setRxnfile(rxnfile)
- substructureMatch(target) – Perform a substructure search. and return true if succeeded
class JSDraw2.Editor
- JSDraw2.Editor was called JSDraw in JSDraw 1.x
- Constructor
- new JSDraw2.Editor(div, [options]) – Convert div element into a structure editor immediately
- JSDraw2.Editor.init() – Delay the operation to convert all DIV elements with class value as JSDraw into structure editors. Usually, call this method before page onload() event.
- Parameters/options
- biology – Set this flag to false to hide sequence button
- buttonshape – circle, or square
- dataformat – data format. It can be molfile, rxnfile, html
- data – actual data
- height – editor height
- highlighterrors – set this flag to false not to show errors in red boxes
- inktools – set this flag to flase to not to show ink tools
- largeicon – use large toolbar icons for higher resolution
- ondatachange – datachange event handler
- pastechemdraw – set this flag to false to disable Paste ChemDraw menuitem
- plugins – plugins, as an array [{iconurl, tooltips, onclick}, …]
- popup – Create a viewer, and double-click to show popup editor
- query – Set this flag to false to disable query atoms (A, R, X, Q, * etc.) in periodic table
- removeHydrogens – Remove hydrogen atoms before show the structure
- rxn – Set this flag to false to disable reaction buttons on toolbar
- scale – A factore to zoom the whole editor, including toolbars. This is useful for iPad applications
- skin – set this to “w8” to display the editor in JSDraw2 mode; leave this parameter to empty to display editor in classic mode (2.0)
- sendquery – Set this flag to false to hide PubChem, ChemSpider search button
- showfilemenu – set this flag to false to not to show file menus
- showimplicithydrogens – Set flag to false to hide implicit hydrogens
- showtoolbar – set this flag to false to hide toolbar
- viewonly
- width – editor width
- Members
- m – A JSDraw2.Mol object
- Methods
- cleanupRxn() – Clean up reaction
- clear() – Remove all atoms, bonds and other objects
- destory() – For Ajax applications, call this method to release memory.
- fitToWindow([maxBondlength]) – Scale the structure to fit the window size.
- getExactmass()
- getFormula([html])
- getMolfile()
- getMolWeight()
- getRxnfile()
- getSmiles() – Generate SMILES, including stereochemistry descriptors
- getHtml([width], [height], [viewonly]) – Generate JSDraw compatible html
- highlight(query) – Perform a substructure, and highlight the substructure if succeeded
- moveCenter()
- readCookie([cookie_name]) – Read the structure previously stored in cookie
- setHtml(jsdrawHtml) – Set JSDraw compatible html
- setMolfile(molfile)
- setRxnfile(rxnfile)
- sss(target) – Perform substructure search and returns the mapping
- redo()
- refresh() – Redraw the structure
- setSize(width, height)
- undo()
- writeCookie([cookie_name]) – Wrote current structure in cookie
- Events
- ondatachange(jsdraw)
class JSDraw2.defaultoptions
JSDraw2.defaultoptions = {} is a place to set global editor settings. Besides all JSDraw2.Editor parameters, it also supports following parameters:
- popupwidth – The width of JSDraw popup editor. It can be an integer, or a percentage string.
- popupheight – The heightof JSDraw popup editor. It can be an integer, or a percentage string.
- xdraw – Set this flag to true to enable users to use ChemDraw is ChemDraw is installed.
JSDraw2.defaultoptions = { skin: “w8”, popupwidth: “70%”, popupheight: “70%”, xdraw: true };
class JSDraw2.Table
- JSDraw2.Table was called JsSDF in JSDraw 1.x
- Constructor
- new JSDraw2.Table(sdfurl [,options [,div]])
- JSDraw2.Table.init(sdfurl, options, div)
- Parameters
- columns – Define columns, including key, caption, width, type (structure, id, mf, mw, int, mass, volume, integer, real)
- filter(molfile, attributes) – A function called at loading time to determine if that record can be displayed or not (demo)
- grid – Set this to true to show structures as grid (demo)
- highlight – A molfile as the scaffold to be highlighted (demo)
- molheight – The height of structure cells
- onCellChanged(cell) – Event handler
- removeHydrogens – Remove hydrogen atoms before show the structure
- searchable
- showformula
- showmolweight
- spreadsheet – Set this flag to true to display “define columns” button on toolbar
- viewonly
- Methods
- clear() – clear all rows
- destory() – Call this method to release this JSDraw2.Table object to avoid memory leak. This is very important for Ajax applications.
- highlight(scaffold) – scaffold is a molfile string, JsMol object, or JSDraw object
- getSdf()
- getXml()
- insert(row, values)
- getCell(row, col)
- setXml(xml)
- setSdf(sdf)
- Events
- onCellChanged(cell) – event fired when user change a cell value