Inventory 7.3 Release Notes
Formulation and LNP
- “Purpose” dropdown field in container form for "Formulation" & "LNP". “Purpose” select options can now be controlled by admin using the dictionary feature.
- “Type” icon now displays under location barcode column in the cart page and is added to the front of the barcode hyperlink on container level.
- Under Location -> Location type, when selecting “Grid” or “Slidebox,” the “Grid Size” field will appear and have standard sizes.
- Slidebox size can now be set when importing location.
- Added warning rules for location grid type - accounts for volume and mass, but prioritizes volume if both are indicated.
- Users cannotchange "Grid" or "Slidebox" location type after it has been created.
- “Low Indicator Amount” input field will be disabled when "Slidebox" location type is selected.
- General bug fixes for amount/volume used and for tares.
- For Cell Line containers, QTY now refers to the number of containers instead of number of cells.
- Users can edit the location of multiple containers at one time, even if the selection includes those with storage restrictions. An alert will notify the user of failed location changes.
- In Admin -> Reports-> QC Management, only products with containers in stock will be recorded in Samples in High-Stock.
- Revert location for a container is not allowed when the container doesn't meet storage restrictions.
- Automatically check storage restrictions and throw errors as appropriate when adding a container with restrictions to a location with restrictions.
- The “Relationship to Parent” column of the new container created will no longer be empty when using "Bulk daughter creation" functionality during bulk update.
- Containers can be bulk split in Compound Management.
- Volume/amount of “0” can now be saved.
- General bug fixes for populating plates.
- Plates can no longer be added to grid locations.
- Improvements to process “Request for Use” and “Request for Purchase”.
- Added request detail workflow log to the Request page.
- General bug fixes.
- Regular (non-admin and non-stockroom role) users are now able to add lots and containers.
- Notes can now be tracked in the audit trail for product/lot history.
- Able to use Chinese characters for container types name.
- Updated some icons.
- Prompt ‘Please avoid naming the barcode field with hyphens '-' specifically for Grid and Slidebox'.
- Items can be opened in a new browser tab when right-clicked on and selected.
- Updated email templates for password reset and request, and for MFA code.
- Changed tooltip for Overwrite Status to Change Status.
- In the Add to Plate dialog box, added a help text next to the Well Range field to provide information on how to input a well range when adding a container to a plate.
- A pop-up message will indicate how many items were added to the cart.
Bulk Actions
- Fixed select and multiselect type for Bulk Import and Bulk Update.
- Both admin and non-admin users can bulk split containers.
- Can now update container status in Bulk Update.
- SubProjects can be added under Parent Projects.
- Added the ability to sort by products and users on projects page.
- Project Member Users section now has Count.
- SubProject cannot be deleted.
- When adding SubProjects, only SubProjects will be available to be selected in the SubProjects field.
- Project codes now display correctly in both product and lot history.
- Non-project read role is not able to search containers of a protected project.
- Updated cart list to account for multiprojects.
- General updates to amount/volume statuses.
- If a container’s remaining amount/volume is 0 it will be reported as 0. If the amount/volume is null (no value), it will be shown as null (no value) in the reporting page.
- Add the ability to autosuggest Parent ID / Entity ID from RegMol.
- Quantity in Reporting shows the low-stock quantity alert value for products.
- Under Admin, reporting, QC Management and Statistics are now merged into one page.
Compound Management
- In Compound Management, under Cherry Pick, Containers with the same parent are now under the same drop box.
- Project code can no longer be null when searching compounds in Compound Management page.