ELN 7.1 Release Notes
ELN Forms (General)
Explorer Table
- A manager will now be able to view witnessing jobs assigned to them by their team member.
- Explorer table updates automatically without needing to click on the Refresh button
- Closed Tasks no longer appear in the Overdue Tasks list.
Default Forms
- When renaming an attachment, its display name will automatically change.
- Users are now able to create new experiments in shared notebooks and edit the contents of an experiment.
- When a borrower is approved to borrow a notebook, they will be able to find the notebook using the search function.
- Subquery improvements when using the following values =, !=, <, <=, >, >=
- Improvements to the My Reagents reagents display
- In the Hybrid Freeform Bioassay, the Data Reader column was added to the Raw Files table.
Single-Step Reaction
- Improvements to Procedure column of the Operations table function
- In the Reagents table, when an entity does not have a molecular weight (ie. a catalyst), the amount field will now save the information displayed/entered in it.
- The reactant table can now clear automatically when the reaction scheme is modified.
Flex Form
- A field and its contents can be copied via a copy button in the Change Order interface.
- Audit trail will now only highlight specific changes for each timestamp.
Audit Trail
- Actions of a co-author of an experiment are now included in the audit trail.
- In the audit trail of an experiment, a new row is created to follow each action taken by a user.
- Users can view the audit trail of yellow highlighted text in the forms text areas.
- Changes in author, co-author and reviewer annotations can now be saved after an experiment has been witnessed.
- By default users can no longer select an experiment author or co-author as the second witness of that experiment.
- Only users that are members of the same project are displayed as possible co-authors for a notebook.
- When a user is a co-author of an experiment, their manager can view all experiments in the notebook they are co-author of
PDF Rendering
- Improvements to PDF rendering on study report form
Security and Access
- Contents of an open Project are no longer visible by external users not in that Project
- Admins can now change the site information of non-admin users
- Site admins will now only be able to view projects, notebooks, and experiments within their site.
- Possibility to limit experiment searching for users with restricted privilege in projects to closed experiment.
- A user with write-only permission in a project will only view their own notebook in that project.
- A team member set as a witness by their manager will now be able to view the notebooks and experiment of the user whose experiment needs witnessing.
- A manager will be able to view their team member’s notebooks whether they are in the same projects or not.
- An admin can now borrow an experiment.
- All users within an analytical group can edit experiments without being assigned as co-authors.
- A user account will no longer have a manager automatically assigned to it.
- Improvements to UI/UX icon display